Endless Eventing

Well, now working on the GROSSLY SPOILERISH, HUGE, LONG, MOTHERHUGGING COMPLICATED end to the temple plot arcs.

It’s long. It’s complex. It encompasses both the normal and the true routes.

It’s a fucking pain, is my point.

Here’s a little something I did with Scianaya’s “fallen position” edits of the chars. Because I can.

Really out of character scene for Owen. But hey, I’m a yaoi addict, and that scene at the Inn raised a lot of questions, so psh~

[No, don’t panic. This is not in the game.]


7 responses to “Endless Eventing

    • LOL. X es una incógnita. Osea… estás en mi lista de ídolos a seguir, vamos xD.
      Si no usas MSN pues no se, Chatango, quizá?
      maahkehro.chatango.com /o/ palotespepi.chatango.com. Ahí el mio. (entro más al segundo)
      Suerte con tu proyecto :D.

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